IBU congress in Belgrade

The Republic of Serbia and the Biathlon Federation of Serbia hosted the 16th Congress of the International Biathlon Union (IBU), which was held at the Hayat Hotel in Belgrade, from September 26 to 29, 2024. In the opening ceremony, at the beginning of the congress, the participants of the congress, the representatives of 48 member countries who participated in it, were greeted by the vice-president of the Olympic Committee of Serbia, Mr. Žarko Zečević, on behalf of the hosts.

The representatives of the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the president of the Biathlon Association of the Republic of Srpska, Ljubiša Tanić, the technical secretary of the BiH Ski Association, Sanja Kusmuk, and the biathlon representative and member of NSK “Romanija” Stefan Lopatić took part in the Congress in Belgrade. link

(Српски) Београд домаћин одржаног 16. ИБУ конгреса

Nordic ski team Romanija performances in the regional cups

members of the Nordic ski club “Romanija” Pale Boris Stanojević, Srdjan Lalović,Petar Klačar,Sara Skokić,Iva Mačar,Lara Škipina,Anastasija Vojinović, and in the children’s section of competors, Ćosović Stefan and Tadić Ena with coaches Bojan Minić and Goran Mumović in the past period took part in three IBU biathlon regional cups in: Croatia, Bulgaria and Serbia. link

(Српски) Наступи НСК “Романија” Пале на регионалним куповима

Member of Nordic Ski team “Romanija” Pale was elected to the executive committee of the BiH Olympic Committee A member of the Nordic Ski Club “Romanija” Pale, Tanja Karišik Košarac, who was the most successful competitor in the club’s history, participating in three Olympics with several significant sports results at the IBU competitions and the World Cup, was elected to the Executive Committee of the BiH Olympic Committee!

(Српски) У извршни комитет Олимпијског комитета БиХ изабрана чланица НСК “Романија” Пале